Stomach ulcers can be uncomfortable. The open sores that develop in your stomach may cause burning pain, heartburn, nausea, or other temporary inconveniences. However, if these are your only symptoms, you are unlikely to be eligible for Social Security disability benefits.
These are not always the only symptoms of stomach ulcers. Sometimes, the symptoms are much more severe or the ulcers are a complication of another serious medical condition.
In These Cases You May Be Eligible for Social Security Disability Benefits
Before you can begin receiving Social Security disability benefits, you must apply and your application must be approved. You are eligible for Social Security disability only if you have a disability that is severe enough to prevent you from working and is expected to last 12 months or longer or result in death.
Generally, there are two ways that you may qualify for Social Security disability benefits if you suffer from stomach ulcers. You may qualify if:
- You have severe symptoms that keep you from working and are permanent. These symptoms may include significant breathing problems or internal bleeding, for example.
- You suffer from another medical condition such as lupus or colitis. Ulcers are related to other medical conditions. If you suffer another medical condition, you may qualify for Social Security disability if that condition results in your disability.
When you apply for Social Security disability benefits, it is important to make sure that you:
- Have complete and accurate medical documentation
- Fill out your application honestly and completely
- Understand your rights before you apply
Our board certified Social Security disability lawyers can help you with all aspects of your application. While many people with ulcers do not qualify for Social Security disability, we will fight for your right to receive benefits if your condition meets the Social Security disability eligibility criteria.
To learn more about your rights, please download a FREE copy of our report, Social Security Disability: What You Need to Know, and contact us directly to schedule an initial consultation with an experienced disability attorney.

by Paul B. Burkhalter Managing Partner of Morgan Weisbrod , Board Certified in Social Security Disability Law.