For many Dallas residents who apply for Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income benefits, the waiting period before benefits are actually received can be lengthy. It could take several months, or even more than a year, to ultimately receive this financial assistance. Fortunately for recipients, if the claim is approved, the applicant may be entitled to receive back pay. This back pay is also known as the “past due disability benefits”, which can date back to the date that the application was filed, or even further in some cases. Back pay is permitted because the Social Security Administration recognizes that the claim process takes a long time.
The Factors Considered for Back Pay
- The date that you applied for Social Security Disability Insurance, also known as SSDI, or Supplemental Security Income benefits, also known as SSI. SSDI benefits can be received back to the date that the claimant applied for benefits or potentially back to the year prior to the application date. SSI benefits can be received back to the first of the month after which the claimant applied for benefits.
- The date when your disability began. This factor is arguably the most important, and is determined by the claim examiner or an administrative law judge. For SSI applicants, even if the date of disability began before the examination date, the Social Security Administration will not set the established onset date any earlier than the month of application.
- The five-month waiting period. Applicants for SSDI will have the first five months after their established disability onset date removed from the beginning of their disability.
Knowing that you may be eligible for back pay is certainly very reassuring for many Dallas Social Security disability applicants. To learn more about the claims process, we invite you to follow us on Facebook. We also strongly encourage you to share our page with your friends and family, who may benefit from the helpful information that we frequently provide.

by Paul B. Burkhalter Managing Partner of Morgan Weisbrod , Board Certified in Social Security Disability Law.