Some people with psoriasis suffer from itchy skin patches that are annoying, but manageable. These people are not eligible for Social Security disability because they are able to work even with a diagnosis of psoriasis.
However, other people with psoriasis suffer additional complications such as joint pain, arthritis, and infections that can make work impossible. It is these psoriasis sufferers who may be eligible for Social Security disability benefits, if they can prove their eligibility.
How to Qualify for Social Security Disability With Psoriasis
As with any condition, there are two ways to qualify for Social Security disability. First, you may qualify if you meet the description of a condition in the Listing of Impairments. Alternatively, you may qualify if you can prove that your condition is at least as bad as a condition included in the Listing of Impairments, and you are unable to work because of your condition.
While psoriasis does not have is own entry in the Listing of Impairments, psoriasis suffers may qualify for Social Security disability pursuant to one of the following listings:
- Dermatitis. (Section 8.05) You must have extensive skin lesions that last for at least three months despite using continuing treatment as prescribed. Skin lesions must impact more than one area of the body or impact an area of the body that is critical to functioning. Additionally, the lesions must result in a serious limitation.
- Major Dysfunction of a Joint. (Section 1.02) You must have a gross anatomical deformity, chronic joint pain and stiffness, and signs of abnormal or limited motion. This must impact one major weight-bearing joint or one major peripheral joint in each upper extremity.
- Inflammatory Arthritis. (Section 14.09) There are at least four different ways to qualify for Social Security disability because of inflammatory arthritis. If your psoriasis results in arthritis, it is important to have a doctor determine how your arthritis impacts your activities of daily living and to carefully examine the legal requirements of this section.
Alternatively, you may be able to prove that your condition will prevent you from working at any job for at least 12 months or result in death.
Many people who are truly eligible for Social Security disability are denied eligibility when they first file their application for benefits. Don’t let a technicality or mistake prevent you from getting the benefits you deserve in a timely manner. Instead, learn more about the Social Security disability process in our free report, Social Security Disability: What You Need to Know, and contact us directly if you have any questions.

by Paul B. Burkhalter Managing Partner of Morgan Weisbrod , Board Certified in Social Security Disability Law.