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    Get Help With Your Disability Claim In Tyler

    You know you’re lucky to live in Tyler. It’s got natural beauty, the historic brick streets, and of course, the roses.

    Tyler is growing, with jobs in manufacturing, distribution, health care, education and more. Maybe you worked in one of those areas.

    But are you worried about your future because serious health problems are undermining your ability to work and burdening you with financial strains?

    You can stabilize yourself and have the chance to appreciate your life in Tyler again with help from disability benefits.

    The Tyler disability lawyers at Morgan Weisbrod help you do it.

    • Our Texas disability lawyers have helped thousands of people.
    • Our attorneys have over 150 years of combined legal experience.
    • Several of our lawyers hold special board certification in disability law.
    • Morgan Weisbrod is one of the top disability firms in Texas in terms of the total benefits won for clients.
    • We’ve been representing people at disability hearings in the Tyler area for over 25 years.

    In fact, the Morgan Weisbrod disability attorneys help people all over East Texas, in Dallas-Fort Worth on down to Houston and across the state.

    Members of our team have longstanding connections and love for Tyler.

    If you can’t work because of health problems, or your time in the military left you with long-term impairments, talk to us about getting financial relief for a more secure and peaceful future.

    How Morgan Weisbrod Helps People in Tyler

    The Tyler disability attorneys at Morgan Weisbrod help with these major types of disability benefits

    • Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). You become eligible for SSDI by working and paying Social Security taxes. It provides monthly checks and Medicare. You must be unable to work due to bad health to get benefits.
    • Supplemental Security Income (SSI). SSI is also for people who can’t work because of health limitations, but it doesn’t require a past work record to qualify. Instead, it’s based on financial need.
    • Veterans’ Disability. VA disability benefits are for veterans of the armed forces who were injured or developed health conditions during their service. It provides pay based on your disability rating and VA medical care.

    It’s common to apply for these benefits and be denied or short-changed on the amount you receive.

    An experienced disability lawyer helps you through this process so you can have the best possible chance of winning benefits.

    Your first conversation with the Tyler disability lawyers at Morgan Weisbrod, helping you make a plan to get life-changing economic support, is always free.

    Why Work with the Morgan Weisbrod Disability Attorneys in Tyler

    Dealing with a complicated government process, it helps to have a local lawyer who knows local government offices, health care services and other resources—and who takes time to know you personally.

    At Morgan Weisbrod…

    • You get lawyers who know the Social Security and Veterans Affairs offices in East Texas.
    • You get lawyers who know the East Texas doctors and hospitals who treat you and provide medical records for your claim.
    • You get skilled lawyers who work directly on your disability case.
    • You get the personal attention you deserve in what can feel like a cold bureaucratic process.
    • You pay no fee for your disability lawyer until you win benefits.

    In Tyler or any community in East Texas, get in touch with the Morgan Weisbrod disability lawyers for someone to support you on the path to disability benefits.

    When you’re approved for benefits, you can pay for necessities, breathe easier and focus on your health and happiness.

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