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With deep gratitude, thank you and your team for everything you did for my brother, Wes H.  I realize how much time, effort, skill and professional experience are required to be able to walk into a hearing and have a decision made without any testimony or evidence.  Kyle has been extremely helpful, responsive, and compassionate in guiding us through this process.  As a first point of contact, I felt such comfort in talking to Bill.  He took so much time with me and gave me hope for my brother.  Wes’ and my meeting with you was amazing.  Your years of experience, compassion, and knowledge came through at every step.You and your team have been absolutely instrumental in changing the lives of our whole family.  We love Wes and have always supported him.  There have been many years of stress, fear, and sadness.  Now we have the comfort of knowing that he will always have the financial and community support that is so important for any individual to function and live with dignity.

Thank you for being there for us.

Jane H., Dallas, Texas June 2014

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